Sunday, October 23, 2011

witsoe by giray suli

This section is about caste, politics and criminality in urban india. The chapter examines the ways that democratic politics impacts everyday life in India through an examination of the relationships between politics, caste  and criminal activity in putna. This is a mid sized city in north India, Situations in Patna reflected the changes brought by a politics of lower caste empowerment.

Urban India is often portrayed in the international press as the economic engine of an emerging superpower. It is a rapidly modernizing place with it's  booming high sector, where traditional ties such as caste are rapidly dissolving in wake of globalization. The  other side of urban life can be seen in the massive slums of mega cities. Industries related to the much outsourcing such as business process oursourcing and call centers, account for fewer than one million jobs in a country of one billion.

While Witsoe was living in Putna between 2000 and 2003, there was always a sense of unease as the sun began to descend in the evening with most people making sure that they are indoors before night time According to government stats, Bihar accounted for 26 percent of India's murder totals.The small city of Patna accounted for 40 percent of all murders with the use of firearms in Indian cities. Between 1992 and 2005 criminals groups carried out a reported 30.000 kidnappings in Bihar. 

Although politicians from upper caste backgrounds dominated political life in Bihar for most of the post independence period, it's difficult now to imagine a future chief minister in Bihar from an uppewr caste background

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