Monday, November 28, 2011

project pg 10

It is optional to participate in Fountain House. It is important to be self motivated, since it is thus that one's work in the club house is meaningful. As a member you have rights and obligations as such. You choose the device you want to work and the employee that you would rather talk and colloberate.

You select themselves into the tasks you think you can take responsibility for large and small. depending on how you feel.

Members and staff participate in an equal partnership in solving the daily running of the house such as to administer, maintain the house, cook, receiving guests, community etc. Furthermore two members sits  of the board and a member participating in job interviews.

Equal worth is not that we must have the same performance and similar roles. but everyone is an important part of the pulse in fountain house.

project pg 9

The clubhouse is used mentoring principle, where you often work in pairs, where a more experienced support and train a less experienced. This increases confidence and self-esteem and the opportunity for personal development in both sides.

This means that you will be able to to take more responsibility . But assuming responsibility that extends beyond one self. This makes accountability in a sense disabled. You obtain a special signifigance.

Helping not only one self ,  helping others. An important part of life is indeed to pass something onto the benefit of others.

Important principles in daily life in fountain house. The work builds on the following fundemental principles

use of resources

project pg 8

It is in working together, we break down the traditional roles, and this is where the members' sense of responsibility, participation and self-esteem builds up. The work- life trains members through daily routines , responsibility meeting the precision, concentration and ability to form social relationships.

Everyday life in a clubhouse built on a community where one is expected, wanted and needed. Fountain House model focuses on the work- life. Focus is on work, but it is also the relationships that grow through the working community, which has a central role.

In close cooperation occurs close relationships and we get to learn about each other. Through their work does one go about something that is both beneficial to one self and others.

project pg 7

Development opportunities or the concept of recovery here is not simply understood as personal development. Development opportunities include personal, social and work aspects that are mutually connected. It is precisely recovery in a meaningful context which is central to the fountain house model.

An important assumption in the fountain house model is that the man's identity is closely associated with having a meaningful job.

There is a belief that work , notably the ability to strive to employment is an evolving and reintegration of force in every human life. Every body has skills and talents which, when exploited can make your day worthwhile.

Work is a central concept in the rehabilitation .Employee student ratios are deliberately so low that it is impossible for the staff alone to perform their daily work.

project pg 6

In addition the model consists of the  following assumptions:

That every member can develop and get to lead a personally fulfilling life.

That everyone has resources and potentials in a safe and stimulating environment that can be developed and put to use for the benefit of both oneself and the clubhouse.

Work is an important identity factor in our lives and thus a central part in fountain house.

That social aspect is central to getting better.

Basic fountain house model is therefore a belief that people with longstanding mental illness has many development opportunities that can be developed through the work of fountain house.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

project pg 5

A fountain house is a club house, which is structured in such a way that people with prolonged mental illness can get help to move forward in life by developing skills, be they personal, social as well as professional.

A fountain House is not a traditional medical establishment but a work place where equality. openness and care is paramount. Every day life is charachterized  by an open atmosphere caring for each other.

Fountain House model is based on three messages:

to be expected
to be desired
to be necessary.

These three messages are the cornerstone of the fountain house model.

project pg 4

The cllubhouse modelof a psychosocial rehabilitation is a comprehensive and dynamic program of support and opportunities for people with severe and persistent mental illnesses. In contrast to traditional day- treatment and other day program models. , clubhouses patients are called members, not  patients or clients and restorative activities focus on their strength and abilities , not their illnesses. The clubhouse is unique that it is not a clinical program, meaning there are no therepists or psychiatrists on staff.

All clinical aspects of the program have been removed so as to focus on the strengths of the individuals, rather than their illnesses. Additionally . all participants in the club house is strictly on a voluntary basis.

The international center for clubhouse development lays out four guaranteed  rights of membership, which are at the core of the clubhouse model: 1. A right  to a place to come
                                                                            2  A right to a meaningful relationships
                                                                            3    A right to meaningful work
                                                                            4     A right to a place to return.

pg 3

The clubhouse is a place for a member to meet, socialize, learn basic skills, and ready themselves for work. At fountain house members may start with one of the basic units such as the clerical unit.The clerical unit publishes daily and weekly newsletters written by the community. They also prepare bulk mailings, assist the accounting office with book keeping, member banking , accounting and filing. There is also a Horticulture unit where members maintain plants for the clubhouse, a dining room  and snack bar where members prepare meals , order food and supplies , and serve meals. Members and staff work side by side in these units.

The ultimate goal of the clubhouse is to find meaningful independent work for the members. Clubhouses use two types of pre- emloyment programs to prepare the member for the work place.

project pg 2

Fountain house has research that shows a decrease in the percent of patients hospitalized in a 2 year period from 77% to 37% in those who participated in the clubhouse. Members can enter the clubhouse at any stage of their recovery. Out patients don't need to be symptom free to join and participate in the clubhouse. Some patients come to fountainhouse and may only tolerate sitting on a couch for a few hours per day and yet others may be in a temporary job placement. at the local newspaper or museum.
                                      The philosophy of the clubhouse model is that individuals with psychiatric disabilities have the right to work, have satisfying relationships and have adequate housings. Secondary to this philosophy clubhouses stress peer support, employment opportunities, and housing.

project pg1

Psychosocial clubhouses are a form of psychosocial rehabilitation that focus on self help , freindship, emotional support, acceptance , recreational activities, housing and last but least, meaningful and gainful employment. The first clubhouse was started in NY city and is known as Fountain House. This was initiated by a social worker and a few patients who had been discharged from state hospitals. These patients had no support after discharge and were left to fend for themselves. Fountain House is now the model  on which most clubhouses are based .

Clubhouse patients are called members. Membership is voluntary and very few individuals are turned away. Members comprise the body that governs the clubhouse. Decisions as to member joining , activities, and even the hire of staff are done by the members.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

hand-out by giray suli

This paper is about city parks. There are some parks who get good grades and others don't. New york parks earned an average of b . An advocacy group studied the parks recently. The maintenance of drinking fountains and lawns could show room for improvement.

One park in harlem named Morning side park scored an 89 due to its well maintained pathways, playgrounds and courts. Another park in harlem; marcus garvey received a 69. Points were deducted for broken benches and remote paths containing condoms and syringes. Morningside park has a particularly strong freinds group, with more than 100 industrious volunteers.

New yorkers for parks said that if one thread ran through the most successful parks it was just such a volunteer network. The director of research sais that we can tell for the most part is that parks with active volunteers groups have overall better maintenence workers,

The parks department conducts its own maintenence inspections.Eight full time staff members perform inspections every two weeks and makes 5000 reports a year. Every park and playground is inspected at least once a year , with safety hazards given top priority. The surveyors , who fanned out during the summer of 2010, analyzed a dozen categories of the parks.; Athletic fields, bathrooms and drinking fountains.