Sunday, November 27, 2011

project pg 4

The cllubhouse modelof a psychosocial rehabilitation is a comprehensive and dynamic program of support and opportunities for people with severe and persistent mental illnesses. In contrast to traditional day- treatment and other day program models. , clubhouses patients are called members, not  patients or clients and restorative activities focus on their strength and abilities , not their illnesses. The clubhouse is unique that it is not a clinical program, meaning there are no therepists or psychiatrists on staff.

All clinical aspects of the program have been removed so as to focus on the strengths of the individuals, rather than their illnesses. Additionally . all participants in the club house is strictly on a voluntary basis.

The international center for clubhouse development lays out four guaranteed  rights of membership, which are at the core of the clubhouse model: 1. A right  to a place to come
                                                                            2  A right to a meaningful relationships
                                                                            3    A right to meaningful work
                                                                            4     A right to a place to return.

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