Tuesday, November 8, 2011

hand-out by giray suli

This paper is about city parks. There are some parks who get good grades and others don't. New york parks earned an average of b . An advocacy group studied the parks recently. The maintenance of drinking fountains and lawns could show room for improvement.

One park in harlem named Morning side park scored an 89 due to its well maintained pathways, playgrounds and courts. Another park in harlem; marcus garvey received a 69. Points were deducted for broken benches and remote paths containing condoms and syringes. Morningside park has a particularly strong freinds group, with more than 100 industrious volunteers.

New yorkers for parks said that if one thread ran through the most successful parks it was just such a volunteer network. The director of research sais that we can tell for the most part is that parks with active volunteers groups have overall better maintenence workers,

The parks department conducts its own maintenence inspections.Eight full time staff members perform inspections every two weeks and makes 5000 reports a year. Every park and playground is inspected at least once a year , with safety hazards given top priority. The surveyors , who fanned out during the summer of 2010, analyzed a dozen categories of the parks.; Athletic fields, bathrooms and drinking fountains.

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